Hello World

Every day is a new day. No matter what you’re facing right now, no matter what you’re going through, if you can look up you can get up. Give God thanks whether your life is on top of the mountain or in the valley. Life is cyclical it doesn’t stay one way always. Hold out for hope and never give up.

Published by tde66

Ms. DeAnna Williams is a recent divorcee, who is a Certified Professional life coach for divorced women since June 2015. She assists women in transitioning from marriage to divorce. DeAnna has a powerful belief in treating the human spirit and is very passionate about helping Divorced Women strive to achieve their best potential, while transitioning through a very emotional, sometimes traumatic times. DeAnna is committed to helping women work through the trauma of divorce by providing simple key life strategies, stress management techniques, information resources and sound objective advice. She is currently working on becoming a motivational speaker. Divorce N’ Me offers a series of workshops, individual sessions covering various pertinent topics, self-empowerment seminars, a place to network with other women to share experiences, heal and Forgive.